Sunday, November 02, 2008

McCain Does Better in Small Town Forums...

In my opinion, many of McCain's better speeches have come in this final week...

He does well in 'small town hall meetings'...

In fact, he does better answering questions...

Than he generally does making speeches...

He actually sounded a little more 'humanistic'...

Tonight on Sunday evening, November 2nd, 2008.

Too little, too late, in my opinion...

He killed his campaign with all his negative speeches and ads...

And Obama stereotyping...

While negatively stereotyping himself in the process...

As a candidate without a vision...

It was he, himself, who derailed 'The McCain Straight-Talk Express'...

Tonight McCain sounded better...

Although I will have to object to one question...

He answered tonight...

45 new nuclear power plants...

Sounds to me like...

45 more potential targets...

For terrorist-aimed American destruction...

In a time of war and terrorism...

And shaky borders...

I would not build any new...

Nuclear power plants...

Whether by plan or by accident...

That sounds like a recipe...

For self-destruction...

Would you want to live beside...

A nuclear power plant?

-- dgb, Nov. 2nd, 2008.

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