Monday, November 03, 2008

Hats off to Both Presidential Candidates...But There Is Only One Presidential Candidate With A Real Visionary Plan To Change America...

Hats off to both presidential candidates for an exciting last week of campaigning...Both have worked their tails off. I think that McCain has done decently well in this last week -- if he'd exerted this much energy earlier in his campaign and actually emphasized how his platform was significantly different than Bush's -- and of course, Obama's -- rather than negatively campaigning against Obama trying to associate Obama with this 'radical' and that 'terrorist', and equate him with essentially everything 'un-American', then McCain might not have been looking at the poll results that he is looking at today on election day. His experience indeed might have carried the day.

However, McCain didn't and it is Obama who showed himself as the better visionary, the better speaker, the better intellect, the better integrationist...the man better able to take America back to a place of peace, and a place where Main Street can pursue the American Dream as well as Wall Street.

McCain, most recently, has tried to gain back his 'maverick' status, tried to persuade the American people that he is a 'populist' Capitalist, a 'Main Street' Capitalist, a 'middle class' Capitalist -- but as always in this campaign, McCain is just a tad bit slow in his reflects on where his campaign needs to go. McCain is always two or three steps behind Obama -- in his promises to: 1. clean-up Washington; 2. end or minimize corporate Washington lobbyism; 3. punish -- or at least not reward the 'narcissistic pigs' on Wall Street; nor 4. the Senators who 'hangout' with, and 'feed' them (actually they feed each other); 5. promote middle class Capitalism where...excuse my fading memory but this is close to what Obama said...'both the CEO and the secretary; the factory owner and the factory worker can both do well together...

That's my man...

That is essentially what DGB Philosophy means by 'Dialectic-Democratic, Humanistic-Existential Capitalism'.

1. 'Dialectic'...both ways, mutual influence and causality, mutual respect, mutual benefits and gains...the top influencing the bottom, and the bottom influencing the top...'Bi-polarity Capitalism';

2. 'Democratic'...everyone's rights as a human being are respected, including freedom of speech, freedom from alienation, freedom from suppression and degradation; supportive of two-way conversations -- not just one way unilateralism, narcissism, righteousness, and blame heading from the top down to the bottom...

3. 'Humanistic'...Pertaining to compassion, empathy, and respect for everyone as a human being -- or as some might say -- as a 'child of God'...

4. 'Existential'...Pertaining to 'accountability'...everyone being accountable for their own choices, their own decisions, their own actions, their own ethics or non-ethics -- and the consequences they might bring.

Obama most definitely comes closer to my ideal of Americian Capitalism, American Government, and every American sharing in 'The American Dream' than anything that came out of McCain's mouth, except for perhaps a few tidbits of the type of 'populist' Capitalism that McCain threw at the American people at the last minute.

Me thinks that McCain's effort is too little, too late -- and a tad bit insincere, based on the other 20 months or so of his rather 'redneck, negativity distorted' campaign.

Sorry, Senator McCain. But I do not think you are going to get your 'one, last mission'.

Indeed, you haven't shown the American people this last two years enough to deserve it....

A Capitalism that is only good for the people at the top is a Capitalism that will eventually collapse under its own top-heavy weight.

When the CEOs don't know how to 'spread the wealth fairly'...

Then it is time for the government to step in and do it for them.

That is not 'Socialism' Senator McCain; that is an ethical President and an ethical Government compensating for the injustices of 'Narcissistic, Top-heavy, Unethical Brand of Capitalism.

Or to put it more bluntly -- fraud against the American people by those people who most profited by the fiasco on Wall Street.

And Senator McCain, that seems to be one important element of Idealistic, Adam Smith-Ayn Rand Capitalist Philosophy that you just don't get.

Ethics for all of the American people, all the time; not just 'greed and gluttony' for the people at the top of the Wall Street -- and the Government -- food chain, with all others scrapping for left-overs.

-- dgb, Nov. 3rd, modified Nov. 4th, 2008.

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