Monday, April 25, 2011

If There is One Thing Good To Be Said About Global Capitalism...

If there is one thing good to say about Global is perhaps this:

I am suffering such that millions of people in some of the poorest countries in the world --- who are much more impovertized and desparate than me -- can work -- and at least take something home to feed their families...

Having said this, China seems to be doing very well lately, much better than us, in fact, they probably 'own' us...

So with or without 'ruffling any international feathers', it might be time -- indeed, it is way past time -- to think of a new 're-balancing' act....something in the order of a new 'North American Workers' Protectionist Act' (NAWPA as opposed to NAFTA)...

Basic Principles For a North American Workers' Protectionist Act (NAWPA)...

Aimed at:

1. Creating a political-economic-business environment encouraging internationally based North American industries to come back to North America;

2. Thus, creating thousands and thousands of 'new-old' jobs and careers in North America;

3. Creating a rate of pay that is neither dominated by one-sided Big Union and/or Big Corporation power but rather by a 'resurrected and resurging' North American economy;

4. Creating a rate of pay that is partly protected by international tariffs on goods coming in from countries with much, much lower wages than in North America;

5. Re-creating a standard of living and rate of pay in North America that does not necessitate North American consumers -- because of their unemployment status and/or drop in corporate wages -- searching for the lowest priced internationally imported goods possible to find;

6. Encouraging and supporting healthy, stabilizing profits for North American companies that allow them to survive and flourish without gouging the public and/or exploiting workers -- creating what I call a 'Hegelian(Humanistic)-Existential-Ethical-Dialectic'(HEED) style and culture of 'capitalism' rather than a 'Narcissistic-Manipulative-My Way Or The Highway' style and culture of capitalism that essentially breeds pervasive civil distrust, disrespect, skepticism, pessimism, cynicism -- and paranoia against most corporations and governments -- regardless of what 'party name and/or ideology' they call themselves by;

A 'Protectionist Act' for North American Workers with some or all of the main principles outlined above...

Might do much to...

Get North American Goods and Services Industries...

'Rockin' and a rollin'...again...

Sitting around thinking about it...

Is going to keep our jobs overseas...

And let foreign economies rise...

While ours continues to fall...

-- dgb, April 25th, 2011

-- David Gordon Bain

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