Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Truth Police

Okay, Mr. Obama, if I am going to ride the Republicans hard for distorting and/or fabricating the truth, then I am not going to let you off scott-free if you do the same, regardless of whether my American political biases lie in your favor.

You told us the other day that 7 of the biggest lobbyists in America were on McCain's 'staff' -- or at least working for or with him.

The joke went something like this: What do you call a meeting between John Mcain and 7 of the biggest lobbyists in America? Answer: A 'staff meeting'.

So my question to you, Mr. Obama, is this: Is that fact or fiction? CNN reported the other day that only one of these lobbyists is now (still) working with John McCain. So what happened to the other six? Did they slip out the back door -- and missed the 'truth police' coming in and 'empirically checking' on the situation from CNN? Or worse -- were they never there? Which would not make you, Senator Obama, and your 'new and improved, ethical politics' -- you know, 'the change we can believe' -- look too good in front of the American. Keep your rhetoric close to the facts, Mr. Obama, close to the facts. I don't want to sit here and accuse you of the same type of rhetorical sophistry that I have been accusing the Republicans of. It is hard for you to gain a 'one-upmanship' in the truth and ethics department if what you are accusing the Republicans of doing -- you are doing the same. Keep it straight, simple, and ethical. That is the way you started your campaign. That is the way you should finish it.

No more, no less.

-- dgb, Sept. 20th, 2008.

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