Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On Keeping Things Straight -- And Avoiding Political Sophisms (Fabrications, Deceptions, Embellishments, Distortions...)

Hi Jackie/Carole,

I am trying to decide whether you have a good grasp of Sarah Palin's personality and that your email is not to be connected with many of the fabricated email lies and embellishments out there now on the internet.

Many of these have to been shown to be false, or at least falsely embellished and biased.

I included your email in my blogsite called: DGB Philosophy, American Politics.

Now I am wondering whether I should be retracting it. Although I'm a Democrat -- or at least have stronger Democrat leanings than Republican leanings --I still do not want my blogsite to be associated with false accusations and distorted embellishments...

Check my site if you wish -- and my essay called: DGB Philosophy vs. The American Republican Party which was written before your email was forwarded to me.

I know that I am going to make some further modifications to the site with new essays on the work...

So far I have decided to keep your email on board because I think it was well-written and I have not had any of your statements flat-out contradicted yet. The hunting issue, in my mind, is very important. The video shots I saw on CNN that showed aerial hunting and I believe it was a wolf being shot down, in my opinion, is disgusting. This form of hunting should be outlawed. Any person who can support this type of hunting and at the same time call him or herself a 'pro-lifer' -- well, I have to wonder about this type of person. He or she doesn't appeal to me. No wonder wolves have become an endangered species.

Anyways, thanks for the email. Your points on the hunting issue only emphasized what I had already partly written about her based on my hearing her speak at the Republican Convention.

I will stick to this point, and also stick with your email, until and/or unless I am shown -- and you are shown -- to be grossly wrong. But I don't think either of us is.

P.S. I have included this email on my site to show my readers that I am more interested in searching for the truth than in -- 'impaling' Palin -- based on fabricated stories and/or distorted embellishments.

I do not want DGB Philosophy to get caught up in 'Partisan Political Positive and Negative Sophisms'.

DGB Philosophy is looking for as close to the 'epistemological truth' as I can 'objectively get to' -- without my own 'subjective partisan biases' blocking my path so that the American people -- and I -- can make good ethical-moral-political judgments regarding who should be the next President and Vice-President of the United States.


David Bain, author of DGB Philosophy on the internet...

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