Tuesday, August 28, 2012

From: Corrine Graham <corrine@livecitizen.us>
To: dgbainsky@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 10:28:07 AM
Subject: Would you consider sharing this with your readers?

Hi David

I have been trying to reach you over the past few weeks to let you know about a contest LiveCitizen is hosting that I think will appeal to your readers. LiveCitizen is a social networking platform that encourages users to voice their opinions on current events and political hot topics.  

The contest is called fix*us and the goal is to get citizens to share their solutions to one of five different topics that our country is currently facing. At the end of the contest one winner per issue will be chosen and awarded $1,000 to the charity of their choice. 

I've put together a social media news release with all the contest details as well as video and information on LiveCitizen. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/LiveCitizen

This is OUR country and we don't think that politicians are the only ones who should have a say in how it's run. If you have any questions let me know, I'd love to see your post if you decide to share your solution. 



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