Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On The Sermons and 'Conspiracy Theories' of The Provocative (Divisionist?, Extremist?) Reverend Jeremy Wright

Is there really much difference...

Once you get under all the theatrics...

And the extremist rhetoric...

The 'reverse-racism' if you wish...

Between the provocative and highly controversial...

Sermons of Reverend Jeremy Wright...

And the equally provocative and controversial...

'Disaster Capitalism' of Naomi Klein...

Klein's work is better researched and better reasoned...

But aren't they both saying...

Essentially the same thing...

Don't their respective theories...

Flow through basically the same river channel...

Maybe its because the Reverend made it into a 'black' vs. 'white' thing...

Where Naomi Klein made it into a Republican 'money' thing...

But both theories basically flow the same way...

And that is that the American government...

The largely but not totally Republican American government...

Was not being straight up and honest with the American people...

Obama seeks a greater 'participatory democracy'...

And more government 'transparency'...

But even he has to account for record amounts of

Government spending...

Earmarked, pork barrel spending...

Taking the American people...

Into a deeper and deeper abyss

of government debt...

Which is something he said he wouldn't allow happen...

Obama's credibility and trust with the American people...

Which is why and how he won the last election...

Is predicated on him saying what he means...

And meaning what he says...

And not falling back onto gross amounts of government spending...

Earmarked spending...

Based on the 'particular power of the politician'...

Rather than the 'merit of what is being spent on'...

Reign it in, President Obama, reign it in...

Keep to your word...transparency and accountablity...

To the American people...

So there can be no more 'conspiracy theories'...

In the Black Churches of America...

And no more books about...

'Disaster Capitalism'...

Feeding off the disasters of the American people...

People losing their homes and pensions...

While Wall St. CEOs...

Take multi-million dollar packages...

From 'government bailout money'...

That is supposed to be 'propping up'...

Bankrupt financial institutions...

This is how 'conspiracy theories'...

From both 'black' and 'white' American citizens...

Are born...

-- dgb, March 12th, 2009.

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism...

-- Dialectical Gap-Bridging Negotiations...are still in progress...


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