Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stay True to The 'Integrity' Course, America -- and Illinois -- Don't Let The 'Race' and 'Guilt' Cards Sway You

Stay true to the 'integrity' course, America -- and Illinois.

Don't be led astray, and allow yourself to be confused and/or conflicted by the introduction of the 'race card' and the 'guilt card' into the 'Blagojevich-Illinois Senator position-corruption-soap opera-sweepstakes.

The two are totally separate issues and need to be kept totally separate in order to restore integrity and ethics to the nomination -- or election -- of Obama's vacated Illinois Senator position.

Blagojevich is political poison -- and anything and everything he touches while he somehow manages to hold onto his Illinois Govenor position -- is likewise poisoned.

Numerous -- probably most -- people have gotten it right so far. Don't lose your resolve and/or your mental toughness.


The Illinois secretary of state said he won't certify the appointment of Burris, the lieutenant governor called the selection an insult, Senate Democrats won't seat him and even the president-elect was cold to the nomination.

"We believe in clean government, and Rod Blagojevich has unclean hands," said Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn, who called Blagojevich's actions an "insult to the people of Illinois."


Blagojevich is a smart human manipulator. By introducing the 'race' and 'guilt' cards to his own created soap opera, he is attempting to do what the Republicans tried to do during the last election -- divide the American people. Divide and conquer. And Blagojevich somehow manages to crawl up the middle. Or so his attempt -- once again -- at political manipulation seems to run.

And it's partly working.

For anyone watching CNN last night, we heard two (African-American) political commentators play up the race card last night... There are no current African-American Senators. That's a disgrace...Blah, blah, blah...Let Burris in as the Illinois Senator...

It may or may not be a disgrace. (I think it is more a process of slow evolution where things have already changed hugely -- and will continue to change, continue to evolve in the way that some people want to see happen yesterday or immediately today.) But the issue of African-Americans in The Senate is an entirely separate issue that must not be dragged into this political soap opera. An African-American Senator -- or any other senator for that matter: male, female, and/or any ethnic-cultural background -- must be either nominated, or voted in, by the proper American democratic process(es).

Indeed, I am not at all sure that a Senator being nominated by a Governor is a very good democratic process at all. It is a very quick path to political manipulation and exploitation, an event that we have witnessed here first hand through Blagojevich's own words, and it is an event that we are still witnessing first hand in Blagojevich's political nomination of Roland Burris.

Let's get this impeachment process rolling -- and finished (assuming of course he is guilty which everything points to the fact that he is) -- as quickly as possible. Before Blagojevich can make even more of a mockery out of American -- and Illinois -- politics than he already has.

As far as Burris goes, he has poisoned himself too. He is no longer -- if he ever was -- 'honest' and 'innocent' of everything he is trying to distance himself from as far as his relationship with Blagojevich.

Again, we saw it on CNN last night. A speech by Burris -- I'm not sure how long ago (probably a week to a month ago) -- in which he claimed that he was 'appalled' by Blagojevich's (corrupt) behavior. Well, obviously, he is not so appalled by Blagojevich's behavior that he is not still willing to accept the Illinois Senator position from him. I call this behavior on Burris' part -- political hypocrisy. Push Blagojevich away with one hand, and then turn around and accept the benefits Blagojevich is offering him with the other hand. That is exactly the type of American Governor, Senator, White House, and Wall Street -- political-economic behavior that I -- and I believe most of us, meaning Obama, his new political team, and the American people -- are trying to stop.

Look. I don't care -- and DGBN Philosophy doesn't care -- if you are white, black, brown, or blue. It's what comes out of your mouth that counts -- and your actions which may or may not be congruent with what you say. Similarily with me and other editorial writers, it is what we commit to paper or our blogsite that counts and whether it means anything in our day-to-day life.

You stand by your integrity. Or you die by your lack of it. It is your values and your choices that count.

Everything else is a 'dog and pony show'.

So stay true to the 'integrity' course, America -- and Illinois.

Don't be distracted by Blagojevich's dog and pony show.

-- dgbn, Dec. 30th-31st, 2008.

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism

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