Saturday, October 11, 2008

On Negative Stereotyping and Its Distraction From The Extrapolation of Republican and Democratic Idealistic Visions

The Republican Convention made me angry -- angry at the Republican negative stereotypers, trash talkers, and character assassinators mainly directed at Obama.

To be sure, the Democratic Party has not been free from ethical transgressions, negative stereotypes, trash-talking, and character assassintions against The Republican Party -- in particular, McCain and Palin -- as well...

However, it seemed to me that McCain and The Republic Party turned the negative stereotyping and character assassinations up a few notches at their Convention -- when they were sliding behind in the polls -- and again, at the beginning of October here, after The Republicans had taken a brief September lead in the election polls, buoyed by the re-energizing speech of Sarah Palin at the Republican Convention, and then again, a confident follow-up speech in Alaska.

After watching the Republican Convention -- and energized by my anger against The Republican Party -- I went to work myself in my 'DGB Philosophy: Debates in American Politics' section, and wrote three 'deconstructive essays' against the Republican Party.

My aim was to 'hold up a philosophical mirror' in front of The Republican Party and to 'do unto them what they were doing unto the Democratic Party' ('biblical justice' if you will) -- which was primarily negative stereotyping and character assassination attacks.

'What goes around, comes around' is an old saying based on the second oldest Greek philosopher's (Anaxamder's) 'cosmic view of justice' and the fact that 'people and cultures who are powerful today will eventually become undone and not be powerful tomorrow, either because of the 'compensations' that other opposing forces make, and/or by the self-destructive forces within of the powerful who abuse their power'.

(All right, maybe I have taken a little too much 'liberty and creative license' here in interpreting Anaxamander's 2500 years old, 'pre-Hegelian and pre-Darwinian dialectic-evolutionary philosophy' -- but other students and teachers of philosophy have at least gone partly down this path with me. And I will elaborate on this point in my essays on Anaxamander's and Heraclitus respective and complimentary ancient Greek dialectic philosphies.)

Anyways, in the three essays: DGB Philosophy vs. The Republican Party (Parts 1,2, and 3), I railed against The Repbulican Party, rhetorically attacked them, satirized Palin, called them both 'Masters of War' in the words of Bob Dylan, attacked the fact that they were both trying to sell themselves to the American public as 'anti-lobbyist mavericks and reformers' (after Obama had been ideologically championing that perspective for almost a year prior to McCain and Palin trying to 'ride the reformist horse'.

All of the remaining presidential and vice-presidential candidates have been 'ethically challenged' at different times. Palin's egotistical assertions about what she had accomplished in Alaska were overstated. McCain has led the charge of the 'character assassinations' -- bordering on the edge of racism and extremist-Republcian-right-wing Nazi tactics -- and only now is giving some combination of either real and/or faked attempts at 'controlling fired up racist crowds' that are shouting out totally 'over the edge, extremist comments'.

Republican crowds are releasing their pent up frustrtations, anger, rage, even racist hatred -- and now, only now, Senator McCain is seemingly trying to put the lid back on of what he very purposely started -- to try to climb back into contention for the White House again.

In my opinion, Senator McCain, this all does not look very good on you -- and I hope that these attempts on your part at re-gaining control of these crowds that are getting more and more out of control, very ugly indeed, led by your fired up 'Obama is guilty by association' messages -- is real; not fake.

I'm not sure which way to take you, Senator McCain -- real or fake, real or fake? You just did another 'flip-flop'. So much for 'The Straight Talk Express'.

Where is your talk of how you are going to fix the American economy? Where is your version of 'Republican Idealism'?

Both of these messages seem to be totally lost -- if they were ever there in the first place -- in your last supreme effort to 'bring down Obama' -- to assasinate his character -- in the eyes of the American people.

And now you are trying to tell your extremist, right-wing crowds that 'Obama is to be respected', that he is a 'good guy'.

That is like saying, 'It was a good house.', after you have rhetorically fired up an ugly crowd to 'set fire to the house'.

I'm not sure that your recent 'tone it down' messages to your ugly, angry crowds -- real or fake, or partly real and partly fake -- cuts it.

Much of the damage has already been done -- and very much like your continued support of the war in Iraq and your hardline stance against Iran and North Korea and Russia -- your own anger, your own resentment, your own sneering, arrogant attitude towards Obama, your own very real message of 'that one' -- has come through loud and clear.

Without a Republican idealistic vision, and without a real plan to improve the American economy, without a plan to end this exploding war in the Middle East, everything you say, everything your sneer, is just so much...

Republican garbage,
the foul, toxic smell,
blowing in the wind.

-- dgb, October 11th, 2008.

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