Hi David

I wanted to follow up with you, I know October can be crazy and I just wanted to try to get in touch one last time.  A couple years ago Lowell Dempsey, a member of our team, contacted you about covering the 42nd anniversary of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial. Since that was a story that resonated with you I wanted to pass along news about a politically-geared social networking site that you may also find interesting.

The platform is called LiveCitizen and they are currently running a contest called Fix*Us. LiveCitizen lets users weigh in on current political and social issues that our nation is facing. Fix*us encourages users to chime in with their solution to 5 different current issues that are being widely discussed going into this presidential election. One winner is selected from each category and will receive a $1,000 donation to the charity of their choice.

Here is a link to a social media news release we have put together on the Fix*us campaign - http://www.fixus.us/

Would you consider sharing this contest with your readers? I appreciate your time and your thoughts!

